Benefits of Hiring a Living Trust Attorney Orange County

1) An estate planning attorney can assist you in selecting the best alternatives to meet your estate planning goals.

There is no one-size-fits-all explanation for estate planning. Every client we visit at Parker Law Offices has a unique set of goals and priorities, sometimes involving a will and trust, sometimes involving other sorts of estate planning documentation.

A trust, living will, power of attorney, or a combination of these documents may be in order, and our lawyers may offer advice and guidance in this regard.

2) An estate planning attorney can assist you in establishing your living trust.

The labor necessary in putting up a trust is significantly more extensive than simply making a will. A company of living trust and wills attorneys can assist you in setting up your trust, ensuring it’s legally compliant, funding it, and advising you on the best tactics to minimize your tax burden.

This is tough stuff that you don’t necessarily want to undertake yourself, especially because even a tiny inaccuracy can invalidate your estate strategy. Better to leave it to a team of competent legal specialists.

3) Living trust and wills lawyers can assist you in selecting a trustee.

When you make a living will, you’ll need to appoint someone to serve as the trustee; essentially, this is the person you’re designating to monitor and manage the monies in the trust.


It goes without communicating that it should be someone honest and responsible… I’m not sure who you mean, though. Having an attorney on your side can assist you in understanding the obligations of being a trustee, suggest some viable solutions, and even act as your trustee in some situations. This is a vital element of the estate planning process and not something to take lightly.

4) Your attorney can explain the different sorts of living will, trust, power of attorney, and other documents.

Should you make up a revocable living trust or an irrevocable one?

Would it be wiser to acquire a financial power of attorney? How about a healthcare power of attorney.

There is a slew of questions to mull over as you explore your estate planning options. It’s crucial to have a reliable legal ally who can offer strategic clarity. That’s where a living wills attorney can be beneficial to you.

5) Living trust and wills lawyers can help you keep your estate plan up to date.

One final consideration: It’s never advisable to take a “set it and forget it” attitude to estate planning. An annual review and revision of your strategy, according to most experts, is a good idea, as is doing so following any significant life change.

If you want to create sure your estate arrangements are in line with your current wishes, a living will attorney can help you with this.

Speak with an Estate Planning Attorney from Parker Law Offices

As you explore your needs for a living trust, living will, or comprehensive estate plan, we welcome you to contact our firm personally.

Parker Law Offices is a trusted name in California, and we are totally focused on helping our clients plan for the future.

If you have any queries about living trusts, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Reach out to Parker Law Offices and chat with a living will attorney at your next opportunity.

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